ignore carriage return, line feed, "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
Example: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQBBp5oHHFaATF1UIephJYgtW+u2+aT\nhZLxNgn5JZhgFXzvTUHlThZxb61eTXMMjyU/IloNznwtzRWuPq1oMDOMq9oBbT/t\nE4lgyPF5/QtzuhaaYRpr/ahZ4JSLyHOegkopXeic3UFUmkpb4mXuSGgu5mChuuUC\nktjfluGNtvXHOWYtqTU=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Get Temporary key(nonce) for ganerate transaction(ex Transfer, Dapp Create or Token Create)
By using the signature value recorded in the transaction, the key value is obtained to prevent duplicate calls by other users.
In the existing blockchain, the nonce value is a serial number that means the number of TX occurrences, but in Metacoin, it is a random key value.