Block information
Last updated 1 year ago
Good to know: All the methods shown below are synced to an example Swagger file URL and are kept up to date automatically with changes to the API.
curl -L \ --url ''
Block number or Block HASH
curl -L \ --url '{block}'
{ "sn": 1, "id": "text", "timestamp": 1, "transaction": [ { "id": "text", "timestamp": 1 } ] }
Transaction ID
curl -L \ --url '{transaction_id}'
{ "address": "text", "db_id": "text", "db_sn": "text", "id": "text", "parameters": [ "text" ], "timestamp": 1, "token": 1, "type": "Chaincode Install or Update", "validationCode": "text", "values": { "addinfo": "text", "balance": [ { "token": "text", "balance": "text", "unlockdate": 1 } ], "password": "text", "pending": [ {} ], "regdate": 1 } }